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Florida Health Care Law Research Guide: Cases

Researching Cases by Topic

There are two ways to search by topic in Westlaw. Use Westlaw's topic and key numbers related to health law below to help you locate cases by a specific topic. Additionally, you can narrow your search to all health law cases or to just Florida family law cases and perform a keyword search. 
Finding cases on point in Lexis Advance can be done in two ways.  First, browse the list of family law topics below to find the most relevant cases. Another way is to perform a keyword search in All Healthcare Law Cases database, Federal Healthcare Cases, or All States Healthcare cases, or Florida Healthcare Cases.  
To search cases by topic in Bloomberg Law, conduct a keyword  search in Florida Health Opinions.  Or, for federal or other state cases you may select the Search & Browse tab, then Court Opinions. Beside the Select Topic box, use the Browse drop-down menu to locate Health Law.  Select it and continue with keyword searching.  This will narrow your search to only family law cases. 


Decisions of Administrative Agencies

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