Journal articles, mainly published in law reviews, are among the more common citations you will find while subciting. They are general easy to identify - here is a sample:
All citations to journal articles should lead with the author or authors, the title of the article in italics, then the volume, abbreviation, and page number for the journal, followed by the year in parenthesis. Any missing item should be fixed by the editors.
There are two good approaches for locating these articles:
Perhaps the easiest way to determine if we have an electronic copy of an article is to plug the full title of the article into our OneSearch. Here, I entered the article title "Intergrating Accommodation" into the catalog search:
If the article title comes up in your search results and a link appears that says "Available Online" you should be able to follow the link to access a PDF of the article.
If searching for the article title does not net a result and you are unable to find a copy--either in print or electronically--of the Journal Title in the Journal search, then you should reach out to a librarian for help. Email for assistance. We will be able to help you find the title and if not, we will help you request a copy of the article through inter-library loan.
Our ILL service is different from the one used by main campus.DO NOT fill out any ILL requests through Strozier's web portal, it will likely be cancelled.
The Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is a great place to check for recent articles as it is an inter-disciplinary database for articles and working papers. The materials is uploaded by academics so remember that the information provided may not be the final version of the paper. If you come across an article marked forthcoming or working paper series or some other indication that the article is not yet published, check to see if the paper is available on SSRN.
HeinOnline is one of the best resources to find journal articles because it provides PDFs of law review articles (available under the Law Journal Library). Always be sure to look at HeinOnline before requesting UBorrow or ILL materials.
Not only does Hein have many of the secondary sources you are searching for, but it also provides many federal and state primary sources as well. Just make sure to look at their various libraries.
If a search for the article title does not get you a result, try looking specifically for the Journal the article is published in. Not all journals we have access to have all of their articles indexed by the catalog.
You may need to decipher the abbreviated title of the journal to search for it. A useful list of law review abbreviations is available here.
Use the "Journal Search" in the catalog to locate entire journals by title:
Notice that the search will try to auto-suggest titles. Here, if I select and search for the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, I will be given a link to the journal in the catalog. If I scroll to "available services," a list of databases that include this journal will display. Each will have a date range for the issue of that journal it includes:
One of the best sources for subciting is HeinOnline as it includes original scans and pagination of basically all the Law Reviews.
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