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What This Guide Includes


  •  Language lessons and opportunities to practice your new skills, free and online
  • Cultural Information
  • World Media
  • World Newspapers
  • Online Dictionaries
  • Translation Tools

Online Dictionaries and Translation Tools

Did You Know...


The United States Department of State website has useful fact sheets about most nations of the world.  It's a good place to start getting to know a new country!

Keep Calm...

Opportunity is everywhere!


Will you be studying or interning abroad during law school?  Are you preparing to practice in another country?  Even if you're just planning a vacation adventure, this guide can show you some tools to speed you on your way!

Language Lessons and Practice




One Stop Shop

International Etiquette Guides


When traveling to another country, learning some of the language and social customs beforehand is a sign of respect.  In addition to making the traveler more comfortable and confident in transacions, a business or legal professional wants to be sure that inadverteant taboo behaviors don't impact the results you want to achieve.  Kwintessential is a website that provides helpful information for travelers to many countries around the world.

Cultural basics include information on cuisine, dining etiquette, table manners, family values, and gift giving.  Of special interest to the professional or business traveler are tips on relationships & communication, business dress and negotiation, and business meetings etiquette.  In addition to free cultural and etiquette advice, Kwintessential also offers services in translation (including legal translation), interpreting, training, and business localization for a fee.


Subject Guide

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Britt Hunter

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World Media



Foreign Language Films at FSU

Want to watch a movie to practice your listening skills in another language? Go to library catalog: 1) type "foreign films" in the search bar, 2) filter Resource Type to "video", and 3) and filter to the Language you want.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.