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Human Trafficking Research Guide: Books

This guide focuses mainly on the specific sources of information that inform the study of the human trafficking law and policy. This guide specifically aims to support the research of law students writing an upper-level paper on the topic of human traffic

Using Search Engines to Locate Books




What is OneSearch?
OneSearch is a discovery tool that searches across the majority of our books, journals, articles, and more. It can also be used to search for material outside of our collections! It’s a great starting point for your research, and can be used to drill down to very specific resources.

Specialized Library Catalogs

Library catalogs offer access to a library's collection. Consult these catalogs of worldwide libraries specializing in human rights materials. This will help broaden your search by identifying resources not readily available in your library.


child prostitution
child sex tourism
child trafficking
forced labor
human exploitation
human trafficking
labor trafficking
modern day slavery
sex slavery
sex trafficking
trafficking in persons
youth trafficking

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.