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Space Law Research Guide: Home

This guide is intended to help law students who are researching international space law issues through the identification of primary and secondary sources of law.

Starting Out - Research Guides


"From the advent of space flight beginning with Sputnik, then with flights to the moon and the continuing use of the international Space Station, spaceflight has taken the center stage on many occasions. Less obvious is that there is a legal environment in which these activities take place."

Michael J. Listner

This research guide is intended  to assist law students in locating and accessing important sources of international space law. 

Intergovernmental Organizations

International organizations and bodies of space experts work to advance the body of space law through nonbinding processes. Much of the documents produced through these processes can be found the organization's web pages. 

National Space Agencies

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Katie Miller
Assistant Director for Instructional Services & Research
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.