Firm Website and Social Media
Your first step should be to look up the firm website. You will find information about practice areas, office locations, client base, current attorneys working at the firm, and press releases. By looking at what the firm promotes and publishes on public sites you will gain a greater understanding of some of the firm values.
NALP Directory
Provides information about law firms, government agencies, public interest organizations, and corporations. Includes lawyer demographics, practice areas, compensation and benefits, and diversity and inclusion practices of firms throughout the US.
The free portions of this website contain rankings of firms by things like practice area, best firms to work for, and best summer associate programs. Also contains information from past and current employees, overview of the firm’s salary, and the diversity and pro bono reports.
Florida Trend Magazine
Use the search to look up a firm or attorney and read about major cases, current legal issues, and lists of Florida Legal Leaders and Up & Comers.
This website is meant for users trying to select an attorney to hire, but the summaries of the type of work lawyers do in different practice areas is helpful for a broad understanding of various topics. lists descriptions of practice areas and sub-specialties and the main issues that come up in the everyday practice of law. To find the practice area descriptions, go to “Learn about the Law.”
Westlaw Litigation Analytics
Look up briefs, court filings, law review articles, and information about attorneys and judges. Search by name, firm or organization name, practice area, geographic area, or you can find FSU alumni if you use “Florida State University” as a keyword. Find Litigation Analytics on your Westlaw homepage.
Lexis Attorney and Judge Directories & Litigation Profile Suite
Allows you to search for individual attorneys or judges and includes links to briefs, court filings, news stories, and law journal articles. Directories are located under Content Type on the main Lexis homepage and the Litigation Profile Suite is under the dropdown on the top left of the homepage.
The People Search tool includes information about attorneys and other individuals involved in business, finance, and corporate counsel. You can search by name, age, education, organization, and geographic area. People Search provides career and educational history and links to news stories that mention a specific person. Find People Search under the “Business Intelligence Center”. The Litigation Intelligence Center includes a Litigation Analytics tool which will allow you view litigation related to either a Company, a Law Firm, a Court, Judge, or Attorney. If you search for a specific Law Firm in the Litigation Analytics module, you can view a pie chart of the companies that firm represents; click on “Select Companies” to see a full list. You can also search a Company and see a chart breaking down the law firms that have represented that company.
Martindale can be used to search for lawyers or firms and provides a short summary of areas of practice, background, peer reviews, client reviews and Martindale-Hubbel’s lawyer rankings.
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