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Public Rights in Water: Secondary Sources

Examples of Secondary Sources

Examples Include: 

  1. Legal Dictionaries
  2. Legal Encyclopedias
  3. Annotated Law Reports
  4. Legal Periodicals
  5. Legal Treatises, Hornbooks and Nutshells
  6. Restatements
  7. Loose Leaf Services
  8. Legal Directories 

Secondary Sources Online Tutorial

Powerpoint Tutorials - Using Secondary Sources

What is a Secondary Source?

For the purposes of legal research, primary sources are statements of the law from a governmental entity such as a court, legislature, executive agency, prsident, or governor.  Secondary legal sources offer an analysis, commentary, or a restatement of primary law.  Secondary sources are used to help locate and explain primary sources of law.  These sources may influence a legal decision, but they do not have the controlling or binding authority like the primary sources of law, unless adopted as such by a governmental entity.  

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