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International Environmental Law: Books / Periodicals

Why Start Here?

When searching for customary international law, it is best to start with secondary sources. Periodicals are a good way to obtain background information, locate a citation, or find the text of a foreign law. Articles can provide useful descriptions of the state of customary international environmental law and primary sources. Most areas of IEL and most treaties have at least one good book on the subject.

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Globalex: Periodicals List

Globalex provides a comprehensive list of law journals, both domestic and international, which are devoted to environmental issues. 


Yearbooks provide surveys of State practice in international law. They may also provide information on national case law or legislation concerning matters of international law, making them excellent places to start your research.

The Yearbook of International Environmental Law identifies significant annual developments and instruments with attention to emerging principles of customary international law. It is available in print and online.  

Other international yearbooks are available as part of the "Foreign & International Law Resources Database" on HeinOnline.

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